ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 48 | COVENANT—Isaac, pt. 5

By Danny Capon, March 03, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

Outline - Jacob arrives in Haran and spends twenty-years with his mother’s brother:

  • Gen. 29:1-30 Jacob works for Laban, and earns his two daughters as wives
  • Gen. 29:31-30:24 Leah and Rachel, and their servants, give Jacob twelve kids
  • Gen. 30:25-43 Jacob works for Laban (even more), and gains great wealth

What's going on in this chapter?

Jacob arrives in Haran and endures relational conflict, and God provides for him just as He said He would.

Genesis 29:1-30 God directs Jacob to Laban’s daughter(s), and is deceived by Laban.

Genesis 29:31-30:24 God gives Jacob children by his wives, and is bargained by Laban’s daughters.

Genesis 30:25-43 God blesses Jacob with material possessions, and is compensated for his time with Laban.

Think about how these chapters functioned for the children of Israel…

Think about how these chapters can function for us, today…

…how God allows Jacob to reap what he’s sown…

…how God is with Jacob still and keeps His word to him…