The Death of Christ Jesus was Rejected… Luke 9:20-22 (Matt.16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33) Delivered… Luke 9:43-45 (Matt.17:22-23; Mark 9:30-32) and Killed… Luke 18:31-34 (Matt.20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34) according to the Definite Plan of God Acts 2:22-23 (Gen.3:15; Is.53; Acts 4:27-28; 1 Cor.15:3) The Resurrection of Christ The resurrection of Jesus Christ The Son of God took upon Himself human flesh He lived a life of perfect obedience unto God the Father He was rejected, delivered, and killed for our sin He was raised from the dead on the third day Different responses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ The guards… The chief priests… They acknowledged the reality of Jesus, but rejected the truthfulness of His word. Matthew 27:62-66 They acknowledged the reality of Jesus’ empty tomb, but rejected the relevance of His resurrection. Matthew 28:11-15 Is it enough to acknowledge that Jesus is real? Is it enough to acknowledge that His tomb is empty? What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean? that He is who He said He is—the Christ, the Son of God that what He did was both necessary and acceptable before God the Father that He rightly demands repentance and faith for the forgiveness of sins and living all of life for Him that He demonstrates His power over death and guarantees the resurrection of all who believe in Him How do those who believe in the risen Jesus Christ live?