ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 60 | COVENANT—Jacob, pt. 7

By Danny Capon, June 09, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

Genesis 43

What's going on in this chapter?

  • “All episodes within Genesis may be read on various levels. The personal interaction and psychological developments of the characters invite exploration. The place of a particular episode within the plot of the Joseph story also needs examination. And finally the contribution of an episode to the theme of Gensis as a whole requires discussion.” (Genesis 16-50 by Gordon J. Wenham, p. 430)
  • “God wasn’t merely using Joseph as a convenient pawn to provide the food that Jacob’s family needed to survive a major food crisis. His goal was to restore and renew the family’s deeply broken relationships, and for that to happen Joseph needed to be able to see that his brothers had changed.” (Living in the Light of Inextinguishable Hope by Iaian M. Duguid and Matthew P. Harmon, pp. 101-102)

God demonstrates kindness towards Joseph’s brothers through him, and they begin to take responsibility for their position and conduct.

  1. Genesis 43:1-15
  1. Genesis 43:16-34

God is able to reverse the fortunes of His people, out of the wealth of His kindness not their goodness. (cf. Romans 2:4)

God is able to withhold the consequences His people deserve, while granting them favor they don’t deserve. (cf. James 4:6)