ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 61 | COVENANT—Jacob, pt. 8

By Danny Capon, June 16, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

Genesis 44 Outline: Joseph’s brothers are tested by Joseph (again) as they attempt to return to their father, but Judah appeals to him on behalf of his brother, Benjamin, out of concern for his father.

  • Gen. 44:1-17 Joseph’s brothers attempt to return to their father with food, but Joseph tests them regarding their youngest brother, Benjamin.
  • Gen. 44:18-34 Joseph is willing to only keep Benjamin and let the other brothers return to their father, but Judah asks to take his place out of concern for his father.

What’s going on in this chapter?

What does God do in order to preserve His people?

What all does it mean for God to preserve His people?

  • This chapter connects and culminates a lot of history in setting up Jacob and his family to be preserved: (1) Jacob’s rivalry with his brother (chs 25-28); (2) Jacob’s favoritism of a wife and son (chs 29-33); (3) Jacob’s sons’ self-interested lives (chs 34-38); and, (4) Jacob’s favored son, Joseph’s wise handling of his life (chs 39-44).

God continues using Joseph to test his brothers, and Judah demonstrates the sort of conduct that will enable the family’s reunion and reconciliation.

  1. Genesis 44:1-17
  1. Genesis 44:18-34

Will we see how significant unity (selfless concern, love, and peace) is for God’s people, and how influential our conduct can be to its condition?

Will we acknowledge our responsibility for past conduct, and for presently pursuing humility (selfless honesty, respect, and sacrifice)?