ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 64 | COVENANT—Jacob, pt. 11

By Nate Hatting, July 07, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

  1. Introduction:
  • Main Idea: The blessing of God’s faithful fulfillment of his Word/Promises/Covenant, to his people, stands in stark contrast to the rest of the world.
  • Literary Outline:

Genesis 47:1-6 Joseph presents his brothers before Pharaoh

Genesis 47:7-12 Joseph presents his father before Pharaoh

Genesis 47:13-26 Egypt presents themselves before Joseph

Genesis 47:27-31 Jacob presents himself before Joseph

  1. Explanation:
  • Genesis 47:1-6
  • Genesis 47:7-12
  • Genesis 47:13-26
  • Genesis 47:27-31
  1. Response: