ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 66 | COVENANT—Jacob, pt. 13

By Danny Capon, July 21, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

Genesis 49 Outline: Jacob, in preparing to die (47:27-49:33), gathers all of his twelve sons together and blesses each of them.

  • Gen. 49:1-2 Jacob gathers all of his twelve sons and calls them to listen to him.
  • Gen. 49:3-27 Jacob blesses each of his twelve sons
  • Gen. 49:28-33 Jacob commands all of his twelve sons regarding his burial.


  1. The Function of Blessing
  2. The Content of Blessing
  3. The Significance of Blessing
  4. The Responsibility of Blessing

Jacob blesses his sons before he dies, now moving on to all of his twelve sons, and demonstrates his confident faith in God who keeps His word.

  1. The Function of Blessing
  1. The Content of Blessing
  1. The Significance of Blessing
  1. The Responsibility of Blessing

Hebrews 11:13