ORGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 67 | COVENANT—Jacob, pt. 14

By Danny Capon, July 28, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

Genesis 50:1-26: Joseph, following his father’s death (47:27-49:33), demonstrates confident faith in how he acts towards his father, his brothers, and the future of Israel.

  • Gen. 50:1-14 Joseph asks Pharaoh if he can bury his father in Canaan.
  • Gen. 50:15-21 Joseph encourages his brothers regarding their sin against him.
  • Gen. 50:22-26 Jospeh commands Israel to bring his bones up from Egypt.

What’s going on in this chapter?

Adam’s “birth” to Noah’s death = 2006 years (Genesis 1-9)

Noah’s death to Abraham’s birth = 390 years (Genesis 10-11)

Abraham’s birth to Joseph’s death = 361 years (Genesis 12-50) = 2757 years

Jospeh responds properly to his father, his brothers, and his people, and demonstrates his confident faith in God who keeps His word.

  1. Gen. 50:1-14 Joseph buries his father…and demonstrates confident faith.
  1. Gen. 50:15-21 Joseph forgives his brothers…and demonstrates confident faith.
  1. Gen. 50:22-26 Joseph commands his people…and demonstrates confident faith.

Hebrews 11:22

Joseph’s confident faith…

  • …looked at the past, the present, and the future and responded properly;
  • …took the word of others seriously and fulfilled his own word to others;
  • …acted appropriately toward the positions of authority of others around him;
  • …compelled those around him.