PROVEN: A Faith that Practical, Prudent, and Patient Review What is James talking about in the passage before us (James 1:12-15)? How does v. 12 relate to the previous verses? How does v. 12 relate to vv. 13-15? How should we understand this passage? How should believers respond to God in their trials and temptations? They should NOT doubt God about His promise (v. 12). They should NOT blame God for their desire (vv. 13-15). What is worth it to you? What do you love most? What does “steadfastness” entail (James 1:2-15)? Enduring in how I view my trial—I regularly consider it as truly joy Enduring in what I know to be true because of my biblical understanding Enduring in knowing that it is for sure testing my faith Enduring in my faith, believing the right things about God, enacting the right things Enduring in letting faith-related virtues be produced in my life Enduring in confidence that I will be more mature as a result of handling it faithfully Enduring in honestly and humbling assessing my lack during my trial Enduring in asking God regularly for His wisdom to handle it faithfully Enduring in thinking rightly about who God is, what He’s like Enduring in asking God in faith, not divided in my actual commitments Enduring in my commitment to Him, wholly Enduring in boasting in the right thing, appropriate to my status in life Enduring in submitting intentionally to the laws of exaltation and humiliation Enduring in pursuing the right things in this life, informed by that which is to come Enduring in being tested, all the way to the end Enduring in knowing it will be worth it, that God will keep His word Enduring in loving God more than what I desire, what is sin and what is evil Enduring in not blaming God for my own desire or the sin I commit Enduring in not letting my desire develop into sin Enduring in understanding and being suspicious of temptations I face in my trial