PROVEN: The Letter of James

No. 7 | Responding to the Word, pt. 2

By Danny Capon, March 16, 2025

PROVEN: A Faith that's Practical, Prudent, and Patient


What is James talking about in the passage before us (James 1:19-21)?

  • How do the verses in the passage relate?
  • How should we understand this passage?

Does every person have a responsibility to receive the word?

Does every person have a responsibility to prepare themselves in order to receive the word?

Believers should intentionally develop their HEARING (James 1:19-20).

A Few Questions to Ask Yourself about Anger

  • Am I honest about my anger?
  • Am I angry about what God would be angry about?
  • Am I angry too quickly and should I have listened more quickly?
  • Am I sinning in my anger either in my speaking or behavior?
  • Am I actually producing the right sort of thing with my anger?

Believers should intentionally develop their RECEPTION (James 1:21).

What do you know as it relates to receiving the word?

What do you do as it relates to receiving the word?