Redeeming Grace


By Ben, October 16, 2022

The Four Redeemers

Theme: Those who seek after God will find that God is seeking after them.

The DNA of Redeption

Leviticus 25:23-34

When an Israelite family became very poor and had to sell their land to survive, the nearest male relative had the responsibility of rescuing them from poverty by buying their land back and restoring it to the family. This was called redemption of property.

Leviticus 25:47-55

If they'd become so poor that they'd had to sell themselves into slavery, a rich relative had to rescue them by buying their freedom. This, too, was redemption.

If a man died leaving his widow without childern, they are nearest male relative had to step in and marry his widow and enagle her to have children, so they could inherit their fathers property and keep it in the family, a third kind of redeption.

First Redeemer (Ruth 4:1-13)

The relative.

Second Redeemer

Third Redeemer

A born in

Fourth Redeemer (Ruth 4:17-22)

Another (Born) in Bethlehem

Matthew 1:21

Mark 10:45

1 Peter 1:18-19