“The Bible is a story that to Jesus” Knowing how a story is important in understanding the story The book of Genesis sets the for the rest of the Scriptures Our story begins not with a “when” but with a “ ” The Beginning All ancient creation stories start with “In the ” There are other creation stories that the Israelites would have been familiar with; the and the The Babylonian and the Egyptian creation stories begin with The Israelite creation story, our story, does not start with . It starts with a The Who of Creation Our story starts with v.1 God is the v.1 The first description of God’s creation is v.2a,b The land is described as v.2a The idea here is of The Hebrew word for “deep” is v.2b Tĕhôm means waters or waters The part of v.2 puts our God any other god God’s presence changes the v.2c What changed the environment is God’s The waters go from to The Importance of Gen. 1:1-2 We are creatures, and this our identity v.1 In the Babylonian and Egyptian creation story, is something to fear. In our creation story, chaos is to our God and He it (Gen. 7:11) There is one God worthy of our v.1-2 Application God is my God me in His image God me with a purpose Therefore, I have value and worth Holy Spirit what are you saying to me today? Holy Spirit what are you asking me to do?