God is my God me in His image God me with a purpose Therefore, I have value and worth Our creator us (Gen. 1:28) A Couple of Things to Remember “The Bible is a story that leads to ” The book of Genesis sets the for the rest of the scriptures What is a Blessing? Urban Dictionary: for feeling or having something good to you The Hebrew word use in Gen. 1:22, 28 is the verb Bārak: To invoke (or enact) divine , often implying a disposition or kind actions towards the recipient Blessing: we are by the of God “To bless is to bestow not only a but a ” Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries When God blessed humanity, He its state of being Who you determines what you What is our Function? V.28 To be and The idea here is clear, There are two ways for us to reproduce: Through the union of a and a or through (Gen. 4:1, Ex. 1:7, Mat. 28:18-20, Acts 6:7, Acts 12:24) To the earth To the earth To subdue is to make To have over creation To have dominion is to authority over something Our authority from our Creator Our Current State of Being There are two current states of being: by God or from God (Deut. 7:13, Mat. 28:18-20, Rom. 1:24-25, Eph. 2:1-10, Jh. 14:15-21) Application Your creator wants to you (Jh. 1:12-13) Your creator has attached His to His (Deut. 7:13, Jh. 14:15-21, Jh. 17:17) Holy Spirit what are you saying to me today? Holy Spirit what are you asking me to do?