
Walking in Freedom Series

July 07, 2024

God’s for us as His followers is to walk – live in the freedom of Jesus.

Our problem is that many live in bondage and don’t even know it.

How do we move from bondage to freedom?

Notice what Jesus said: Matt. 6:2,7,16

  • When you
  • When you
  • When you

Jesus assumes fasting is a - .

The word “fast” means to .

What then is the purpose of fasting? What does God have to say about fasting?

1. Unto the Lord Zechariah 7:5, Isaiah 58:6

Israel had been used to fasting, but they were doing it for show, to feel good about themselves.

Their “fasting” did not change their , , .

Once the heart and motives are revealed, God goes on to tell us what he expects: Isaiah 58:6-7, 9-10, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 58: 13

When our fasting results in what is important to God, look what happens: Isaiah 58:6-7, 9-10, 13

Maybe the reason we are not seeing God bless, corporately or individually is because we want the blessing without the .

2. Holiness – James 4:6-10

Our journey to holiness cannot happen unless we experience and practice .

Humility is seeing ourselves, the church, the world as God sees it with the response of weeping, mourning and confessing sin.

Intentionally not eating – fasting, allows us to seek God and Him.

Hosea 13:6 Deut. 8:3 Matt. 4:1-4

When Jesus invites us to believe and follow Him, what does He say is us to do?

The answer is given to us in Luke 9:23-26

The apostle Paul teaches us the same thing but with different language.

I Cor.9:19-27

  • Vs. 19 A slave to everyone
  • Vs. 25 Training, disciplined, self control
  • Vs. 27 Discipline my body, keep it under control

This is harsh, work, not enjoyable but essential is we are to please God

2 Chron.16:9 Matthew 5:1-12

Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me?

Holy Spirit, what do you want me to do?

God's Chosen Fast CBD

God's Chosen Fast Amazon
