The God of Mercy

The Joy of Our Salvation

August 11, 2024

There are two things needed to the joy of our salvation:

  1. our God’s character


  1. and the weight of our sin.

Verses 1-2

David begins with a for mercy.

The opening plea, have mercy, is the language of one who has no claim to the favour he begs. David Kidner

David immediately appeals to God’s .

David of God what only God can do; sin.

Verses 3-4

David his sin. (2 Sam. 10)

God to David the weight of his sin (2 Sam. 11)

It is not merely because that which has been done is a violation of human law…—it is that it is of itself, and apart from all other relations and consequences, an offence against God; a violation of his pure and holy law; a wrong done against him, and in his sight. Albert Barnes

David himself AND himself into the hands of his God.

David that it would be far better to God’s hands than to live away from them.

David’s submission to God’s hands that he knew his God is.


During this season of fasting and prayer, we are asking our Father to us.

Just like David, we must ourselves into our Father’s hand.

Continue to on the Word of God. (Jos. 1:7-9)

As you meditate, you will the joy of your salvation; because:

  1. You will more of His character.


  1. You will and the weight of your sin.
