The Requests of a Contrite Heart

The Joy of Our Salvation Series

August 25, 2024

David makes a lot of in this section of the Psalm.

David’s requests are not just for , these requests are for a deeper .

David recognized that there is a difference between and .

Confession: that God is right.

Contrition: or pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.

David makes request out of contrition.

#1 The Request of

David requests of God what only God can do; v.10a

David recognizes that what he could only come from his God; a heart.

#2 The Request of

David is asking for his spirit to be and v.10b

David knows that without an spirit, he will continue to fall prey to .

#3 The Request of

David saw what happens when someone loses God’s (1 Sam. 15)

David that his actions can put a in this relations with his God (1 Tim. 4:1-2)

#4 The Request of a new

David’s request is a that his flesh can’t be mastered apart from power. (Rom. 7:21-25)

David’s request is for his to be in sync with God’s


Confession us, contrition can us.

Remember that contrition is the pain and sorrow that comes from sin.

The enemy, and your flesh, will try to use the pain and sorrow to away from your Father.

Our Father will always to contrition, because it’s there were takes place v.17
