A Shepherding God

The Book of Genesis

January 19, 2025

How we live is by who our God .


A God. Gen. 35

A God. Gen. 37

A God that . Gen. 42

The Benefit of Time

It is normal for people to as they get older.

For Israel there is a to reminisce about.

Israel’s blessing to his grandchildren is on his assessment of . v.15-16

Seeing God

Israel’s blessing Ephraim and Manasseh that this God has been connected to their family. v.15a.

Thru this blessing, they are reminded of God’s and . v.15a.

Israel now makes an about who this God is; a . v.15b (Gen. 46:34)

This is the time that God is referred to as a shepherd. v.15b

Shepherd: A common occupation, responsible for , , , and rest for their flock. Lexham Bible Dictionary

Israel’s final assessment of God is that He has him from all harm. v.16a

Israel finishes his blessing by his grandchildren into his family name, making them of the Abrahamic blessing. v.16b (Gen. 12:1-3)


How are we our lives?

If our assessment is based on or our , our assessment will be grounded on an ever-changing . (Matt. 7:26-27)

If our assessment is based on God is, then our assessment will be grounded on a never changing . (Mal. 3:6 & Heb. 13:8)

This has always been the invitation of the Scriptures, to see our and not the circumstances. (Matt. 14:22-33)
