Revelation 19, 21-22, Home

By Chance Strickland, October 20, 2024

Charles Spurgeon said of heaven, “To come to Thee is to come home from exile, to come to land out of the raging storm, to come to rest after long labour, to come to the goal of my desires and the summit of my wishes.”

How will it all end? (Revelation 19)

Heaven Rejoices, v.1-10.

See 18:20. When Babylon fell on the earth, the command was given in heaven, “Rejoice over her!”. What we read in chapter 19 is heaven’s response to that command. Heaven rejoices by singing the Hallelujah chorus!

They rejoice…

  • First, because God has judged His enemies (vv. 1–4).
  • Second, heaven rejoices since God is reigning (vv. 5–6).
  • Third, there is rejoicing in heaven since the bride is ready (vv. 7–10).

Christ Appears, v.11-21. (11)

Christ Himself will defeat the enemy through three great victories.

  1. He will defeat the armies of the kings of the earth (vv. 17–19, 21).
  2. He will defeat “the beast” and false prophet (v. 20).
  3. Satan will then be defeated. (20:1-3)

This is how it will all end! Heaven Rejoices: the bride is ready, God is reigning, and He has judged His enemies. Christ appears defeating Satan, the beast, the false prophet, and the armies of the kings of the Earth.

Heaven Described. (21-22)

All throughout scripture we see heaven described:

  • In 1 Timothy 4:8, heaven is a place of abundant life.
  • In Revelation 14:13 heaven is a place of rest.
  • In Corinthians 13:8-10 heaven is a place of knowledge.
  • Holiness in Revelation 21:27.
  • Service in Revelation 22:3.
  • Worship in Revelation 19:1.
  • Fellowship with God in Revelation 21:3.
  • Fellowship with other believers in 1 Thessalonians 4:8.
  • And a place of glory in 2 Corinthians 4:17.

In our text the first description we encounter is “new”. (1, 2, 5) Then we read of a “holy” city. (2) Since man’s fall in the garden, perfect holiness between God and man has not existed. Here we come to know it will again. God is with men in heaven. (3)

  • There is a fountain with the water of life to freely drink from. (6)
  • There are great and high mountains. (10)
  • In the city God’s glory shines like light. Described here as transparent jasper. (11)
  • There is a great wall with 12 gates, one for each tribe of Israel…3 in each direction, there are 12 angels. (12-13)
  • There are twelve foundations, one for each Apostle. (14)
  • The city is so grand…it even has a golden measuring stick! (15)
  • The city measures 1,500 miles…foursquare. (16)
  • The great wall is made of jasper. (17-18a)
  • The city itself made of pure gold…like clear glass! (18b)
  • Each of the city’s foundations is a different precious stone. (19-20)
  • The 12 gates are made of pearls. (21)
  • The street of the city is paved with pure gold. (21b)
  • Jesus Himself is the Temple. (22)
  • The gates of the city are always open! (25-27)
  • There is a river, pure as crystal, that flows from God’s throne. (22:1)
  • The tree of life is there. (22:2)
  • Jesus is there! (22:4)
  • It is a place of eternal reign. (22:5)
  • The former heaven and sin cursed Earth are no longer here. (1)
  • There was no more sea. (1)
  • Look at chapter 20, verse 10. (The devil will not be in heaven, the new earth, or the new city!)

What else is not in heaven?

  • No tears. (4)
  • No death.
  • No sorrow.
  • No crying.
  • No more pain!

There is no temple! (22) This is unknown to man since the garden of Eden in the beginning. We will finally worship God again…directly in His presence.

No night. (23-25, 22:5) Nothing sinful. (21:27) There will be no more curse in heaven! (22:3)

Heaven will be a place of memory. We will know each other in heaven.

  1. David said he would know his son there. (2 Sam. 12:22-23)
  2. Matthew 8:11 reads as if we will know Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.
  3. Paul wrote of being known and knowing others there. (1 Cor. 13:12)

Heaven will be inhabited by: Angels, the Elders, Saved Israel, the Church, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

D.L. Moody admitted that as a child he imagined heaven as a great, shining city, with vast walls and domes and spires, and with nobody in it except angels, who were strangers to him! He said that later in life, after so many loved ones had died here on Earth he no longer thought of the angels, domes, and spires in heaven. He thought of his brothers, uncles, children, friends from church who all were there. He said, “it sometimes seems to me that I know more people in heaven than I do on earth.”

In heaven we will find rest. (Rev. 14:13) Though, we may, still decide to labor in some regard. But, the agony of labor will be gone because there will be no more curse! We will enjoy communion with Christ for all of eternity.

There will also be:

  1. Learning. (1 Cor. 13:9-10)
  2. Singing. (Rev. 15:3)
  3. Worship. (Rev. 5:9)
  4. Serving. (Rev. 22:3)
  5. Leading. (2 Tim. 2:12, Rev. 22:5)
  6. Fellowship with others. (Matt. 16:3)
  7. Eating! (Rev. 2:17)

John Newton said, “When I get to heaven, I shall see three wonders there. The first wonder will be to see many there whom I did not expect to see; the second wonder will be to miss many people who I did expect to see; the third and greatest of all will be to find myself there.”

In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis writes, “I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that country and to help others to do the same.”