In the remainder of chapter 1 we see Jesus exhibit authority that was to be expected of the Christ. Very quickly in this text, we are able to see just Who Jesus is and the power and authority that this carries. Mark is paving the way to the cross through the words of his gospel account. He is doing it in such a way that we can take it in and worship Jesus for what He’s done to redeem us. We see that His miracles point to something beyond healing the diseased and casting out devils. They point us to worship Jesus, Who has all authority, even over Satan. And to Worship Jesus, the Great Physician, Who has all authority over our lives and deaths. Jesus is just beginning His ministry and Mark shows Him exhibiting the Authority of the Christ in 4 ways: With the Scriptures. With Demons. With Sickness and Disease. With Religion. With the Scriptures, v.21-22. The synagogue was a place of assembly where the Scriptures were taught. Various teachers and visiting rabbis would read and comment on the Scriptures. Those present noted, His teaching is different. The greek word from which we translate “with authority” is exousia. The meaning is not conveying that He taught as One who had authority to teach. Rather, He taught as one who had authority over the domain in which He was teaching. The greek word is made up of a prefix and a root. The prefix ex- means “out of” or “away from”; an “exit” is a way out. The root, ousia, is the present participle of the verb to be, so its literal translation is “being” or at times “substance”. Jesus spoke exousia, out of being // out of substance. “This was the utterance of the One who was of the same essence as the Father, so Jesus’ authority was rooted and grounded in God Himself. That is what terrified the people. They said, “Never have we heard anyone speak like this.’” (Sproul) Only the Christ could have such authority with the scriptures. With Demons, v.23-28. (sa.32-34) With the demons, no work in the greek is necessary…they speak the very words that make Mark’s point. v.24 - we know Who You are, the Holy One of God. They are aware that Jesus is the one God has anointed to break the rule of Satan. v.27 - the bystanders again remarked at His authority, this time over the devils. It is also necessary to note that Jesus quieted the speaking of the demons. (25b, 34b) He says the same later to the leper. (44) Timing is the most logical reason. It was time for Him to begin His ministry. The time was not yet for Him to go to the cross. Though the Jews were awaiting a Christ (Messiah)…They were looking for a revolutionary or insurrectionist. Jesus was neither, and viral popularity could conflict this. An association with Devils is another reason. He would prove His authority as the Christ. Though the devils know it and prove it, this is not the source to have for your confirmation! He has come to plunder their kingdom. So He forces them to remain silent. Jesus is the Christ: We see this through His Authority with Demons, the Scriptures… With Sickness & Disease, v.29-31. (sa.32-34) He heals Simon’s mother-in-law and all that were diseased. Jesus freed her from sickness into the service she desired! (31c) Jesus had the authority to heal. He is the Christ with authority over sickness and disease. With Religion, v.35-45. With Religion — through His prayer life and ministry plan. (35-39) He prayed alone in a private, quiet place. The religious authorities of this day prayed in public for everyone to see. He left a place with great success to go and do it all again in a new place. Finally, we see this authority, through His healing the leper. (40-45) See just what an affront to the religious authority Jesus’ actions with the leper truly are. If you were found to have leprosy, you were deemed to be not just unwell but unclean. Leprosy could not be healed in the ancient world, so lepers were cast out. Sadly, they were cast out physically and religiously. You were not allowed in the temple and could not enter the gates of Jerusalem. (Sproul) You had to live alone, without the fellowship of family members and friends. You wore tattered clothes. It was necessary to cover the lower portion of your mouth so you could be noticed from a distance as a leper. You were not allowed to come within fifty paces of others. If you saw anyone else approaching, you had to cry out, “Unclean, unclean,” lest you spread your contamination. But Jesus, in love, and with authority above the religion of the day: Violated the ceremonial law. Came within 50 paces. Touched him. Healed him! Only one with the authority of Christ could do such things! He is exousia — out of substance, out of being…Jesus is God!