In the World around us, v.1-6. (General Revelation) v.1 - In the creation around us, God’s Glory is revealed! What is God’s glory? Generally, we would answer that God’s glory is the sum total of all His attributes. A distinction can be made between what is called God’s intrinsic glory and ascribed glory. God’s intrinsic glory is the sum total of all His divine attributes. Those that are essential to His being — they belong naturally to Him. Holiness, sovereignty, righteousness, grace, truth, goodness, mercy, justice, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, and more. All these divine perfections constitute God's intrinsic glory. Then, as God unveils this glory to us, we give Him glory. This is called ascribed glory, or the glory due his name. Intrinsic glory = attributes, Ascribed glory = attributed. This is what we live and die to do — make God’s glory known in the world and to ascribe glory to Him. The sky above us and all the vastness of space beyond that declare God’s Glory. Ills: Someone has pictured the vastness of space as follows: if it cost a penny to ride 1000 miles, a trip to the moon would cost $2.38, a trip to the sun would cost $930, but a trip to the nearest star would cost $260 million. To David’s point, with a creation so great, how much greater is the Creator! v.2 - The creation reveals God’s glory continually! Every day and every night. Day after day and night after night. Speech and knowledge. Even though Creation does not speak audibly in words its message goes out to the ends of the earth. The message from nature about the glory of God reaches all nations, and is equally intelligible to them all. (Zuck) Romans 1:18-20, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” God has an “all the time” soundless sermon being preached to everyone in His creation. (3-4a) David next, points to the sun in vv.4, 5, 6. (4b-6) The sky above us and the space beyond, God has created as a tabernacle for the sun! Just as Israel’s tent would’ve hosted the glory of God in the Holy of Holies…God’s sky is lit by the torch of His sun. He illustrates this twice: The sun is like a bridegroom—radiant, glowing, beaming. And like a champion rejoicing to run his course—strong, tireless, enduring, always moving forward, never growing weary. Our God is like the noonday sun—bright and blinding in the radiance of his glory. “He is high and exalted above man, unceasing and tireless in his work, powerful in all that he does, reaching out to the ends of the earth, enlightening and empowering all people.” The sun travels continually, rising in the east and setting in the west. And just as, to us, it is going away for the night — it is actually just beginning a day for others! Behold Our God!! Unceasing, always at work! No one exempt from the feeling of the warmness of His presence. His glory is seen clearly through the sun. This is General Revelation — The Heavens Declare God’s Glory in the World around us. In the Word before us, v.7-14. (Special Revelation) In vv.7-9 there are six parallel statements and each contains three elements that are likewise parallel. (7-9) “There are six terms for the written revelation, six adjectives to describe it, and six statements of what the Bible does.” (Boice) Law, Testimony, Statutes, Commandment, Fear, & Judgments. Each of these give the reader a different aspect of the Bible. Law is instruction. Testimony is witness. Statutes are precepts, instructions, procedures. Commandment is commission or authoritative direction. Fear is profound respect. Judgments are decisions or rules, verdicts. All, though different — point at what the Bible is. Perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, & true. Because of this, the outcomes are secure: The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul (reviving, transforming. For each of the titles for the Word there is a descriptor, after which the psalm includes a sure outcome. The Word before us: Transforms. Makes the simple wise. (Discernment) Gives the heart joy. And light to the eyes. Endures forever! Because it has no impurity, filthiness, defilement, or imperfections…Scripture is flawless, unadulterated truth, without any error, enduring forever. The Bible will never pass away, never need amending, updating, or editing. It will remain permanently relevant and eternally true. True and altogether righteous. The Word before us is the divine standard for daily living. It is designed to cause righteous lives! In vv.10-11 the Psalmist places a value upon the Word before us. Certainly no human estimate could ever match the real value — but this approach helps us realize this. More desirable than even much fine gold. (The most valuable commodity of their day) There is great wealth within the pages of the Bible. And like gold, you have to dig for such value! Sweeter than the honey drippings right from the honeycomb. This would’ve been the sweetest known ingredient of their day. Not only would the Word satisfy spiritual hunger, but could do so with great pleasure. Whatever else we might equate the scriptures to in our humanness — it is of great reward. It is here that we are warned against: foolishness, negativity, darkness, the fleeting, deception, and ultimately the lack of transformation. In vv.12-14 we see the Psalmist take the General Revelation and Special Revelation internally for Personal Application. 12- We would never own our errors, but God through His Word will cleanse us from even the sins we’d hide. 13- In addition, the Word will certainly help us deal with purposeful sinning. (That which we might not hide or be unaware of, that which we willfully pursue in search of pleasure) 14- May my life be a transformed as God’s Word is transformative! May I become a great reward to God. May I become as much fine gold or sweet honeycomb drippings. Man’s chief end is to glorify God while enjoying Him forever! The heavens declare his glory. The psalms declare his glory. May we as well live lives that declare the glory of our God!