REVIEW Jesus deserves our undivided inner-life. Regularly celebrating Jesus motivates our heart want to follow Him. Regularly gathering with others reshapes our souls to Christ-likeness. Jesus instructs our thoughts and feelings through His Word. WHAT IS OUR STRENGTH? Strength = Our ability to act in an on the material world Formed by God Wired for or uninventive HOW IS OUR STRENGTH? Not inherently A powerful tool for eliminating “Habits eat willpower for breakfast.” John Ortberg HOW IS OUR STRENGTH REFORMED? 1 Peter 4:7-11 Serving others like Jesus can only be by real love (vv7-8) Serving others like Jesus happens in the stuff of everyday life (v9) Serving others like Jesus is by His gifts to you (vv10-11a) Serving others like Jesus uniquely does not change the . (v11b) Use your strength as a precedes understanding Understanding/agreement/belief is the beginning (Mark 12:32-34) Regularly serving others like Jesus fills us with purpose. How do we use our mind to block God’s work in & through us? How are we regularly serving others like Jesus? What gifts is Jesus blessing us with to share with others?