Feelings of inadequacy kill your . Numbers 11 - Israel has just left Mt. Sinai after about a year (Numbers 10:11), and they complain again. They are sick of manna; they want meat. Moses feels inadequate, is so overwhelmed by the need that he wants to die. He doesn’t want to see that he (v. 15). God didn’t really need Moses’ help for anything. He just it. God doesn’t really need our help either, but He has chosen to us in His purposes. Exodus 3 - Moses also felt inadequate at the burning bush on Mt.Horeb/Sinai when God called him to deliver Israel from slavery. A sign would be given - after coming out of Egypt, Israel would worship at Sinai. Moses forgot the sign and all of the miracles God helped him perform and now wants to die. Moses falls into a trap that we can fall into - “There’s so much need for me to meet” - we think we are the . The truth is there’s so much need for God to meet. We need a low estimate of our and a high estimate of our . Sometimes God you to the end of yourself so that you can see who is really carrying the load. Numbers 11:23 - The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.” God’s arm really isn’t too short. It never is. But sometimes He has to put things out of our so we can realize it. The solution to inadequacy isn’t to start believing that you’re adequate. It’s to get comfortable with the fact that you’re not and to remember that you’re walking One who is fully sufficient for every situation He leads you into. God is . He is always sufficient, even when we are not, even when we might think we could be. Only when we arrive at the precipice of our own failure can we really see the Source of our success. Results of Being Used By God Creates special moments that are exhilarating like no other. - even from those God is using us to save. May require deep self-sacrifice and . *After Moses went through Numbers 11, this is what it says about him - “(Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.)” - Numbers 12:3. *