The law is good…it reveals is our slave master. Romans 7:13-16 As a Christian, you can still live as a slave to sin. Romans 6:16 Sin as our slave master produces sin cycles. Romans 7:17-19 Matt. 19:6-7 We are still for our actions. Romans 7:20 As a Christian, your identity is not sinner, but saint. How you think of yourself is how you will act. Gen. 4:6-7 There is a civil raging within each of us… Romans 7:21-23a James 4:1 1 Peter 2:11 There is a civil war raging within each of us…when we fight with the , we lose. Romans 7:24 There is a civil war raging in each of us…but Christ has given us the ! Romans 7:25 Christ has won the victory, but our sanctification requires partnership. Galatians 5:16-18