Revelation 1:4-8 Worship Christ the King by… His Identity Christ the King is… The Faithful Witness The Firstborn from the Dead The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth Christ the King has… Loved Us Washed Us Made Us Kings and Priests to the Father Christ the King will… Come! Dan. 7:13 and Zechariah 12:10 Revelation 1:12-16 Worship Christ the King by… His Majesty One like the Son of Man - Daniel 7:13-14 Clothed with a Garment down to His Feet Head and Hair White like Wool, like Snow - Daniel 7:9 Eyes like a Flame of Fire - Revelation 19:11-12 Feet like Fine Brass - Exodus 38:30 Voice as the Sound of Many Waters - Ezekiel 43:1-2 Seven Stars in His Right Hand - Revelation 1:20 Sharp Two Edged Sword out of His Mouth - Isaiah 49:1-2; Revelation 19:15 Countenance Shining like the Sun - Matthew 17:1-2 Revelation 1:17-18 Worship Christ the King by… in His Victory Who have I worshiped in 2024? Who will I worship in 2025?