Love is fueled by the of God. The Foundation for Romans 13 is Romans 1-12. Romans 5:5 Matthew 5:16 Love is an ongoing . Romans 13:8a Does this mean all borrowing is wrong? Romans 13:7 Matthew 5:42 Does this mean love is a burdensome obligation? 1 John 4:11 Romans 1:14 Love is the of the law Romans 13:8b-10 What was the purpose of the law? To God's character - Lev. 19:1-2 To sin - Romans 3:20 To to the Savior - Gal. 3:24 To the nations to God - Deut. 4:6-7 Love is willing to for the beloved Colossians 1:24 What is lacking in the afflications of Christ? Many people don't know what Christ has done on their behalf. People need to see a living example of sacrificial love.