True Discipleship

Luke 6:46-49

By Dave Trepanier, September 01, 2024


Luke 6:46-49

  1. An Idea of Discipleship (v. 46)
  1. The Nature of Discipleship (v. 47a)
  1. The of True Discipleship (vv. 47b-49)

"We tend to fall into quasie-thoughtless routines and instinctive ways of doing things that are less self-conscious than they need to be. And we tend to back away from the significance of these little moments because they are little moments.You see, the opposite is true: little moments are significant because they are little moments. These are the moments that make up our lives. These are the moments that set up our future. These are hte moments that shape our relationships. We must have a ‘day by day’ approach to everything in our lives, and if we do, we will choose our bricks carefully and place them strategically." (Ted Tripp, What Did You Expect?, 58)


Something I learned:

Something I want to know more about:

Something I should change:

What truth about the Gospel was/is highlighted by this passage:

My prayer response (repentance/thanksgiving/praise):


In one sentence, write a key statement that the Spirit has prompted you to take from this message (e.g. “Love God with all your heart”)

Who will you share this key statement with this week?