Welcome and Announcements Pastor Helen Oates Prelude Bonnie Leonhart Choral Introit “Now To the King Eternal” by Lorraine Sonnenberg Chancel Choir Call to Worship Jayne Whitlow Children of God, we gather to worship, to sing and proclaim with joy the good works God is doing in our midst. We gather to worship, as is our custom. We also gather today to pray for our families, our community, and our world. To name the challenges that press in around us, to lament the suffering in our world, to declare our trust in God in the midst of hardship. We gather to worship, as is our custom. We, like those in Nazareth, gather to hear and receive the Word of God proclaimed among us. To encounter the life-giving message of God’s love redeems us to be bearers of love and freedom in this world. We gather to worship, as is our custom. Children of God, listen. Pay attention. Ready your hearts. God is here. Jesus has come among us. The Spirit brings the Word to life in our midst. Are you ready? We gather to worship, as is our custom. Thanks be to God! Amen. Hymn “How Great Thou Art” UMH 77 Opening Prayer Jayne Whitlow We do come to worship, O God, to praise and glorify your name. In spite of cold temperatures of this past week, we gather to hear good news, to witness to your healing work and to leave refreshed by your Spirit. You come to us wherever we are. We thank you. In the name of Jesus. Amen. New Testament Lesson I Corinthians 12:12-31a Jayne Whitlow Hymn “To God Be the Glory” UMH 98 Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’ Prayer Time with Younger Ones Anthem “I Will Glory in the Cross” Chancel Choir arranged by Camp Kirkland Gospel Lesson Luke 4:14-21 Sermon “As Was His Custom” Pastor Helen Response to the Word Offertory Bonnie Leonhart Thank you for continuing to support the ministries of Stout Memorial. Those joining us online can take time to give as well. Giving can be done on our website at www.stoutmemorial.org/give. Doxology UMH 94 Prayer of Dedication Faithful God, who calls us to follow and empowers us by your Spirit, we bring these gifts to you in gratitude and hope. May they be used to proclaim good news, set the oppressed free, and bring sight to the blind. Transform our offerings into acts of love and justice that reflect the mission of Jesus in this world. In his holy name, we pray. Amen. Hymn “Oh, I Know the Lord’s Laid His Hands on Me” FWS 2139 Roger Bush, Soloist Benediction Postlude Bonnie Leonhart