Welcome and Announcements Pastor Helen Oates Prelude Bonnie Leonhart Choral Introit “Majesty” by Jack Hayford Chancel Choir Call to Worship from Psalm 71:1-3 Fred Moore I’ve taken refuge in you, Lord. Don’t let me ever be put to shame! Deliver me and rescue me by your righteousness! Bend your ear toward me and save me! Be my rock of refuge where I can always escape. You commanded that my life be saved because you are my rock and my fortress. Hymn “My Hope Is Built” UMH 368 Opening Prayer Living Christ, your earthly ministry was full of struggle as well as joy; yet you were faithful in following God’s will. Breathe your Spirit into our lives, that we may neverfall back from the way of discipleship or the effort of loving.Grant that we may find true joy and peace as we accept the cost of faithful discipleship. For it is in your name we pray. Amen. Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 1:4-10 Fred Moore Hymn “Lord, Speak to Me” (vs.1-3) UMH 463 Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’ Prayer Anthem “Every Time I Feel the Spirit” Chancel Choir Arranged by Norman Johnson Bill Smith and David Rexroad, Soloists Gospel Lesson Luke 4:21-30 Sermon “When ‘Inclusive’ is Not a Bad Word” Pastor Helen Response to the Word—Service of Holy Communion page 15 Offertory Bonnie Leonhart Thank you for continuing to support the ministries of Stout Memorial. Those joining us online can take time to give as well. Giving can be done on our website at www.stoutmemorial.org/give. Doxology UMH 94 Prayer of Dedication Compassionate God, who sees beyond our boundaries and loves without limit, we bring these offerings with grateful hearts. Use them to proclaim your good news, heal the broken, and extend your love to all, especially those we struggle to accept. Transform our gifts into a beacon of hope and inclusion that reflects the boundless love of Christ in every corner of our community. In his holy name, we pray. Amen. Hymn “Lord of the Dance” (vs. 1-2) UMH 261 Benediction Postlude Bonnie Leonhart Our deepest sympathy is directed to the family of Dick Sams, father of Rick Sams, father-in-law of Nancy, and grandfather to James. His service is planned for February 8th. Also we remember the family of Phyllis Ann Hamilton whose service is February 7th at 11:00 a.m.