Kingdom Finance Part 11

The Life Cycle of A Seed

By Pastor John L. Franklin Jr., August 29, 2023

Sunday 8-27-23 Kingdom Finance Part 11 “The Life Cycle of a Seed”

Mark 4:26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; 27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. 28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear


In order to understand planting we have to understand the seed.

  • Planting isn’t risky, because we are planting something that has a built in guarantee.

The make up of a seed

  • A seed has a protective coating called the shell. The shell contains everything needed to start a new plant. Inside the seed coating is an embryo, which will become the new plant

The seed already contains everything it will need to begin a life moving towards harvest. Seed is genetically programed to always move forward towards Harvest.

The shell protects the seed but it also prevents its best use unless it is sown.

plant embryo is part of a seed, consisting of precursor tissues for the leaves, stem, and root,

The life is already in the seed

endosperm the part of a seed which acts as a food store for the developing plant embryo, usually containing starch with protein and other nutrients

The seed comes pre loaded with enough food resource to get it started


In germination a seed grows down before it grows up, because in order to reach its potential it must maintain its contact with the nutrient rich soil.

The soil is provided by God to grow and develop the seed.

Seeds need four things to grow: oxygen, moisture, sunlight, and the right temperature. When the proper conditions are met for the seed, it will begin to sprout.

wind, water, and warmth are all representations of the Holy Spirit in the scriptures. Since creation the Holy Spirit has been God’s man of action responsible for bringing not only God’s Word to pass, but also enforcing and maintaining Kingdom laws in the earth.


This is the stage where rap[id growth takes place. the seed is getting bigger and stronger. It is establishing itself against environmental threats. Its roots are growing deeper, and it is spreading out in expectation of reproduction. It is getting ready to host the fruit.

During this stage an even greater amount of Water, wind, and warmth is required.

Reproduction During this stage, the plant is at its most vulnerable. Ideal weather and soil conditions can greatly affect how well the corn pollinates.

Everything in the life cycle of the seed is leading to this moment, a seed has only one ambition or drive, and that is to reproduce.

The seed can only reproduce after its kind.

What Kind of seed am I sowing?

Two main types of seed Annuals or Perennials


  • age to production How long does it take to produce?
  • life of the plant How long does it live?
  • length of production How long will it produce Harvest/Seed