Fight the Good Fight- Part 1

By Pastor Dale Schuiteman, October 08, 2023
  1. Good solidiers understand their 2. We are in a spiritual battle with 3. there was no spiritual 4. The of Satan launched the war. Ezek. 28:11-19 5. Satan is the supernatural behind evil. 6. Satan's war came from his 7. This war impacted Rev. 12:3-4, 9 8. This war impacted Gen. 3:1-6 Satan's Strategy 9. Satan insinuates concerning God's word. 10. Satan uses concerning God. 11. Satan appeals to people's 12. His plan is to Christ's work. 13. Satan tried to destroy 14. Satan tries to destroy the 15. He attaches through the 16. He attempts to cripple the and their 17. He attacks 18. He attacks through false systems
  2. Good soldiers understand their
  3. Good soldiers understand their