Where Do I Turn? Worksheet

By Adam Wright, October 21, 2024

Worksheet: Trusting in God - Lessons From King Asa

Lesson Title: Where Do I Turn?

Overview: This worksheet is designed to help reinforce the key lessons on the importance of firm faith and reliance on God through biblical examples, personal anecdotes, and practical exercises.

Part 1: Reflection on Scripture

  1. Psalm 1 Analysis:

    • Read Psalm 1. Identify two characteristics of the “blessed man” and contrast them with the "wicked man."
    • Blessed Man:
      • a.
      • b.
    • Wicked Man:
      • a.
      • b.
  2. Isaiah 7:9 Reflection:

    • Read Isaiah 7:9. In your own words, explain what this verse teaches about faith and stability.

Part 2: Lessons from King Asa

  1. Victory Through Faith:
    • Explain how King Asa initially trusted God during the conflict with the Ethiopians and Libyans. What was the outcome?
    - How does this demonstrate the importance of faith?
  2. Mistake Due to Lack of Faith:
    • Summarize the mistake Asa made when he faced a threat from the northern kingdom of Israel. What actions did he take, and what were the consequences?
3. **Learning from Hanani's Rebuttal:** - What did Hanani the seer rebuke Asa for? How does this serve as a lesson for relying on God over material wealth?

Part 3: Application in Personal Life

  1. Personal Encounter with Problem-Solving:

    • Reflect on a personal experience where you tried to solve a problem independently. How did it turn out?
    • What do you think would have been different if you relied on God instead?
  2. “God-Sized Problems”:

    • Identify a current challenge in your life that feels beyond your control. Describe how you can apply faith and prayer to this situation.

Part 4: Decision-Making Process

  1. Self-Examination:

    • Before making a decision, what steps should you take to ensure your motives are right?
  2. Seeking God’s Guidance:

    • How can prayer play a role in your decision-making process? Give an example of how God’s guidance has helped you in the past.
  3. Patience and Trust:

    • Discuss why it is important to be patient with solutions that do not align with your expectations. How can you trust in God’s plan during these times?
  4. . Discernment in Advisers:

    • Reflect on a time you took advice from someone who lacked understanding of your situation. What did you learn from that experience about seeking wise counsel?

Part 5: Handling Life’s “Spider Webs”

  1. Metaphor of the Spider Web:

    • Describe how the discomfort and panic of walking into a spider web relate to making impulsive decisions in life.
  2. Faith vs. Fear:

    • How can you turn moments of fear and impulsive decision-making into opportunities to strengthen your faith?

Conclusion: Reinforcing Faith

  1. Reiteration:

    • Summarize three key takeaways from the episode on maintaining faith in decision-making and relying on God.
  2. Commitment:

    • Write a personal commitment statement on how you will trust God more in your daily life and in your decision-making processes.

Reflection: Spend a few moments in prayer or quiet reflection, asking God to help you trust in Him and guide you in all areas of your life.

This worksheet aims to deepen your understanding of the importance of firm faith and reliance on God, encouraging you to reflect on scripture, historical examples, and personal experiences.