SERMON NOTES: HEAR & ACT References/Quotes: “No matter what, there will no injustice here (in the 3x3 space around me) today.” Everything Happens Podcast, Episode: Drops Make an Ocean, by Kate Bowler Bible Verses: Matthew 7:15-27 1 John 4:16b-21 Matthew 21:28-31 James 2:14-17 Reflection Questions: How does the idea of faith as a verb (‘faithing’) rather than a noun challenge my understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus? In what ways might my actions be ‘cutting myself off from God's good life,’ even if I profess belief in Jesus? What are some small, mundane actions I could take in my daily life to ‘affect positive change’ and build a 'rock-solid foundation' of faith? MY NOTES: